LASIK eye surgery is presently gaining more acceptance from people in different parts of the world. Refractive laser eye surgery is mainly known for the miraculous transformation it brings to an already damaged vision.

From the time it was approved to be performed for the public, it has become the most desired option for correcting every eye imperfection from minor to major. That has led to the emergence of several lasik surgeons in many countries far and wide the globe.
You don’t have to wonder why? LASIK is one of the most expensive eye surgery options available. On average, it costs about $2,000 to $3,000. If you think that is not attractive enough, remember that a LASIK surgeon can perform thousands of surgeries in a year. And, considering the increasingly high demand, it is reasonable to conclude that being a LASIK surgeon is a juicy career.
What I mean, in a nutshell, is that many LASIK surgeons are just there for the money. Professionalism is not a top concern. One of the dangers of unprofessional LASIK practices is that patients are at the risk of committing their eyes into the hands of a quack. And being the body’s light requires the best form of protection.
So, your ultimate concern now is to ensure that you choose a competent and experienced surgeon. But the correct question is: how do you do that? You don’t have to fret if you think you are not medically inclined to identify expert LASIK surgeons. In this post, I have helped you compile six technical things you need to confirm before you agree to patronize a LASIK surgeon.
The six things to help you identify A Competent Lasik Surgeon
1. He must be board certified
Every competent LASIK surgeon must be licensed with certificates to show for it. What is a professional without credible evidence to back his claims? When you meet up with a LASIK surgeon, the first thing to ask is for him to present his certifications as a LASIK surgeon. Failure to do that, there’s no need to discuss anything further. Else, you will be putting your eyes at significant risk.

If you don’t know, not every doctor is a surgeon, and not every surgeon can perform LASIK eye surgery. It requires advanced training and required certifications to become a qualified LASIK surgeon. Your LASIK surgeon must be certified by different Boards of Ophthalmologists. Not only that, he must be a member of various professional medical institutions. Those professional medical bodies organize training and workshops from time to time. Consequently, their members can amass experience and improve in skills.
A word of caution, don’t be carried away with the structure of the surgery center and the acclaimed records of any LASIK surgeon. If he cannot provide authentic certificates, he doesn’t deserve your patronage. You can go a step higher b authenticating his credentials. You can do that by researching the professional bodies he claims to be a member of. Visit to read about Ways of improving your life with Lasik eye surgery.
2. He must have good recommendations
Recommendations are essential factors o be considered when choosing a competent LASIK surgeon. A credible, qualified LASIK surgeon must have good recommendations from top professionals in different medical institutions if you can’t boast reasonable recommendations throughout the several years of active practice

You have every reason to doubt a LASIK surgeon who cannot present recommendations from professional bodies even if he has credible training certifications.
If he provides many recent recommendations, you need to make some verifications to ensure they are genuine. The best way to grip that is to do further research by checking up on his name on the internet and checking for recommendations and reviews.
Meanwhile, you don’t have to be tempted to be carried away by his positive reviews. Ensure you pay more attention to the negative reviews to know where he is lagging. You also have to watch to make sure you are reading recent reviews. To confirm that, check the dates the reviews were published.
3. Know how much he charges
On average, LASIK surgery costs $2,000 to $3,000, which varies from one surgeon to another. LASIK surgeons charge based on their expertise, competence, the organization of the procedure, and sophisticated tools. Nevertheless, LASIK eye surgery should not cost beyond the range stated above. If the surgeon demands an amount way higher than the average price, you can check another center.

Of course, LASIK eye surgery is pretty much expensive. Yet, it doesn’t have to be a neck-choking affair. Make sure you don’t pay more than necessary for your LASIK surgery.
Conversely, be careful not to be looking out for cheap surgery. In most cases, LASIK surgeons who agree lower prices are either up to the task or not ready to do a thorough job. Hence, your ultimate attention should be on the quality of the service, not the price.
4. He must be working with qualified staff
Talking of competence in LASIK eye surgery doesn’t end with the surgeon alone. The same principle applies to his members of staff. So, as you test the surgeon’s competence, you also need to pay attention to the medical personnel working with him. Check for the quality of their customer care service, their manner of reception, and how they discharge their roles. If you are not satisfied with all that on your first day of the visit, you will not likely enjoy their service.
5. Check for the number of procedures he has done
Experience is the best teacher. I can’t overemphasize that fact. When it comes to having LASIK eye surgery, you don’t get all the experience required in a day. The more you exercise, the more you perfect it.
Do well to ask your LASIK surgeon to present the records of LASIK eye surgeries he has done in his career. That does not mean any offense. You want to be sure of the number of procedures he has performed as a professional LASIK surgeon. Some experts have done more than 30,000 LASIK procedures to give you a number to work with. A surgeon with vast experience would understand the nitty-gritty of the surgery.
6. He must have treated a similar case as yours
A better way to know you are in safe hands is to ask if the surgeon has performed a LASIK procedure for a patient with a similar case as yours. If yes, make an effort to ask the person about the result of the surgery. If it is satisfactory, you are good o go!
It is essential; to allow only an expert to make any vision correction in your eyes. That way, you can be sure of the best and most lasting result. Make sure you accurately make the findings stated above before accepting payments. LASIK surgery can give you a lifelong perfect vision if you work with an expert.
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