LASIK heals faster, but it is not automatic. It requires you to adhere to specific instructions medically referred to as ‘aftercare’ treatment. That involves eating according to function to aid quick recovery.
What you eat after your lasik surgery determines how quickly you will get your desired result. Your LASIK surgeon should have told you that, but be more attentive to this post if you miss it.
Healthy foods take care of every part of the body and help restores the body to its perfect state of sound health. Notably, certain foods help heal the eyes. You need to focus on eating right after your LASIK eye surgery to get the best result.
Aside from quick recovery, eating healthy foods will keep your eyes in a perfectly healthy state for as long as you live. If you are adherent to the rules, you wouldn’t have any reason to take eye medications never again.
As a seasoned nutritionist, I want to share the top 10 foods you should eat after your LASIK surgery to have a perfect and lasting result.
Best 10 Foods Eat After A LASIK Procedure For Quick Recovery
1. Whole grains
Eating whole grains can be very helpful in restoring your vision to its perfect state. Your surgeon would recommend that you eat much of these foods after the surgery because they contain a low glycaemic index compared to the standard carbs such as white rice, pasta, and processed bread.

Whole grains also contain essential nutrients such as Vitamin E, Zinc, and Niacin which helps protects the eyes from infections. Examples of whole grains include:
- Brown rice
- Quinoa
- Whole wheat
- Oats
2. Eggs
Eggs remain the best natural food, mostly recommended for people with varieties of eye infections. Aside from that, they are suitable for healing and sharpening your vision in the shortest time possible.

Eggs are exceedingly rich in protein, an essential nutrient that helps fight every eye-related infection. It also allows the eyes to have sharper focus and perform more excellently. You can read about the Top 6 Things to Know Before Choosing Your LASIK Surgeon by clicking here.
Additionally, eggs are good sources of lutein and vitamin A, yet another essential nutrient that protects your eyes against dry eye syndrome. After a LASIK surgery, you might begin to experience dry eyes. Your best option is to start eating eggs at least once per day when that happens. Eggs also help you see beer at night.
3. Citrus fruits
Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for vision correction. As a matter of fact, an ophthalmologist can recommend that you take foods rich in vitamin c often and without any other eye treatment if the case is still at a very mild level.

Vitamin C helps heal your sight and sustain perfect eye health lifelong. Meanwhile, citrus fruits are the best source of vitamin C. Though you can get vitamin C from multivitamins, it is best to go natural.
In reality, citrus fruits give you the right proportion of vitamin C. They heal the cornea after a LASIK procedure. It is essential to take a citrus fruit every day and many other reasons. Examples of citrus fruits include:
- Oranges
- Limes
- Grapefruits
- Lemmon
- Berries
4. Fish
Fish is another essential food to start eating when you return from a LASIK procedure. One unique thing about fish is that it heals both the eyes and the entire body. What’s more? You can get creative while adding fish to your daily meal as many varieties are available with the same quality of nutrients. That means you can eat fish continuously without being monotonous.

Fish gives you omega-3 fatty acids, which help build a healthy sight. These acids protect your eyes from developing natural infections such as dry eyes, cataracts, AMD, etc. Fish contains low fat. That makes it perfect for quick recovery after any significant eye surgery.
5. Leafy greens
Leafy greens contain anti-oxidants and some pigments that help slow down the aging of the eyes. These vegetables help prevent the eyes from developing natural eye issues such as cataracts, dry eyes, AMD, etc. Examples of leafy greens include:
- Kale
- Spinach
- Lutein
- Zeaxanthin
Note that broccoli, peas, and avocado are also examples of leafy greens that help the eye rover quickly after a LASIK surgery. You are advised to include them in your daily diet plan for the best result.
6. Carrots

Carrots are among the rare fruits that sharpen your vision, but I can tell you they are among the less known. They mainly help restore your vision after any significant laser eye surgery. Carrots are excellent sources of vitamin A, C, and carotenoids which are essential nutrients that help your eyes reduce the risk of developing eye infections. You can get carrots from any grocery store nearby at a low price.
7. Beef
Aside from fish, beef is another fleshy protein-filled intake that can help your eyes heal faster after a LASIK surgery. I expect this to be good news because many people cannot afford to go for a day without eating meat.
Beef contains a high concentration of zinc, which helps break down the doses of vitamin A. However, regular meat consumption is not ideal for aged people; you can take it once a while. Visit to read about Why meat and poultry are so good for you.
8. Nuts
Nuts are the least expected fruits that help the eyes to heal faster. These unique fruits are superefficient in the eye healing process, and they can be very filling. Nuts contain a higher concentration of a dose of vitamin E and mega-3 fatty acids. Eating a few nuts every day is suitable for your eyes before and after surgery.

Nuts also allow you to get creative as you either eat them raw or add them to your meal. When perfectly mixed, you can have great taste and excellent functioning.
Final Words
Eating healthy foods is essential for quick recovery of your eyes after a LASIK procedure. I will advise that you draw a new diet plan that includes all the foods mentioned above when you return from the LASIK surgery center. You can work with a professional nutritionist to help you strategize the plan in a way that won’t be monotonous.